In Late 2018, We Published Two Important Books

Why two books?

Nehemiah Papers presents 14 essays that describe American issues and propose viable solutions, including Capitalism-21.

A Capitalist Carol is a novella that delves into socio-economic challenges and solutions as they relate to life in America and other countries.  Historical fiction helps us personalize societal challenges and increase our humane feelings.

Each book reinforces the other without being interdependent.  We recommend beginning with A Capitalist Carol, as it is easier to read and includes summary comments about the essays of I. M. Nehemiah (see Nehemiah Papers).  Extracted samples from each book are provided on their respective website pages.

Historical Background

In 1787-88, eighty-five essays were published as the Federalist Papers advocating the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America. Although written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, the essays were printed under the allonym (a pseudonym based on an historical person) of “Publius” in honor of a Roman consul influential in establishing the Roman Republic around 500 B.C.

The allonym “Nehemiah” is in honor of the Hebrew leader instrumental in the rebuilding of Jerusalem around 440 B.C. Ancient Nehemiah was a builder of a nation; modern Nehemiah is trying to be a builder of America and the World community. The initials I. M. have been added to give a more modern and personal touch. The writings of I. M. Nehemiah are by one or more highly patriotic adult American citizens who choose to remain anonymous.

Interestingly, the Federalist No. 10 essay warns of how factions (or parties) in a nation can obtain power and distort the workings of democracy. I. M. Nehemiah states the case that a faction that opposes controls upon capitalism in America has obtained unusual and considerably unfair power over American democracy. The faction uses its money and assets for intentional influence upon our elected “serial incumbent” government, resulting in laws with a bias favorable to massive wealth and unfavorable to basic fairness for sub-lower-class citizens. The “middle class” citizens are lulled by commercialism and materialism into accepting this doubly-unjust arrangement.

Similar to the Federalist Papers, the essays of I. M. Nehemiah are not legalistic or academic arguments. Rather, the Nehemiah Papers are statements to the American people, the common citizens, the voters. The future well-being of America is of great personal interest to us all. And adjustments need to be made very soon. In fact, they are long overdue. I hope we are not too late.

I. M. Nehemiah
Builder of a better America and a better World